Samstag, 25. Juni 2016

Fantasy Favourites Read-a-thon Introduction

Well I am not much of a blogger, so it is still pretty empty here.
But I will do the second Fantasy Favourites Read-a-thon, because I loved the last one.

Here comes my introductory:

Who are you? 
I am Saskia, I am 27 years old and from Berlin Germany. When I was younger my parents had to read for me until I found my true book passion that is called Harry Potter. Well since then I took reading into my own hands and never stopped since :)

Why are you joining the read-a-thon?
Well I already did the first one last year and I had so much fun that I decided to join again,

Which books do you intend to read?
I bought the whole Percy Jackson series as I have not read the books. I have only watched the movies, so I thought this would be a good idea to start reading Percy Jackson.

How many pages do you think you'll manage?
Well that is always a good question, since I am actually a slow reader. I mostly read in the subway because once I start reading at home I am never really able to stop, which is a good thing but of course I am not able to manage other stuff I am supposed to do. I go for 100 pages a day and hope I can do it.

What's your favourite thing about the fantasy genre?
I always like it that really everything is possible. It is so different from our normal world that it is easy to sink totally into it. And of course the imagination can go wild as to how everything looks for me. That is always the easiest in fantasy stories.

Which fantasy books do you always recommend? 
Harry Potter - nuff said

Which fantasy books are you dying to read?
Well I am totally looking forward to Percy Jackson and I am planning to read The Chronicles of Narnia

If you could travel to any fantasy world, which one would it be? (I know it's hard, but try not to say Hogwarts)
Thanks for ruling out Hogwarts :P
Well I totally would go to Wonderland and Neeverland is on my list too. Maybe Panem, since Snow is dead now :P (just a quick visit to Katniss and Peeta :D).